Here are some photos from the recent Family Taikai and BBQ event. Thanks to everyone who participated especially the volunteers! We really appreciate your support!
Here are a few photos from the event.
Here are some photos from the recent Family Taikai and BBQ event. Thanks to everyone who participated especially the volunteers! We really appreciate your support!
Here are a few photos from the event.
Just a reminder, there will be no practice on 9/4 SAT. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!
Recently Kunihide Kota Sensei, a Kendo Sensei in Japan, outlined new guidelines for having matches while respecting Covid-19 restrictions. Please take a moment to read the guidance below. Also, a video of his speech in Japanese is available at the bottom of the page.
Key points from Koda-sensei:
What this means for our matches:
In summary, it is important for all shiaisha and shinpan to understand these guidelines and improve the quality of shiai with safety in mind.
Last week Saturday was the final official practice with Inakagi-sensei. We’d like to wish him and his family all the best on their return to Japan!
Thank you for all the great memories and we hope to see you in the future. Stay safe!
Recently the CDC concluded that much of the recent surge in Covid cases is related to youth sports activities.
The dojo’s attorney has reviewed the applicable Michigan Department of Health and Human Service’s orders and interim guidance. Paragraph 6.f. of the March 19, 2021 order states, “Beginning on April 2, 2021, gatherings for the purpose of sports practice and competition involving persons age 13 to 19 are prohibited unless all such persons participate in a testing program as specified in the MDHHS publication entitled Interim Guidance for Athletics issued March 20, 2021.”
The interim guidance requires that all our members age 13 to 19 must get tested for Covid at least once per week in order to participate effective April 2, 2021.
Effective immediately – For all participants between the age of 13 and 19 proof of a negative result test within a week of any practice session will be allowed to participate.
At the reception for each of class, we will collect your declaration of the date of Covid-19 negative testing and signature from a parent for all applicable members in order to meet this guideline.
Starting on 4/7/2021 (WED) in-person practice will resume at the Northville Community Center from 7:00PM – 9:00PM.
We will also continue our Saturday in-person practice at the Plymouth PARC from 5:00PM – 7:00PM.
With this re-opening of weekday in-person practice, we will return to two in-person practice sessions per week. To support that we are also returning to the monthly tuition system. Paid but unused dues as of March 2020 will be credited to each member/family. Tuition dues will be collected at the in-person practice sessions. Cash will not be collected as of SAT Apr 3rd at PARC in Plymouth.
Details about membership and tuition can be found on the “How to Join the Detroit Kendo Dojo ” page.
We are happy to announce that Saturday practice sessions are resuming as of 2/6/2021 and Wednesday practice sessions are resuming as of 4/7/2021. Everyone’s safety is the main priority and we are taking precautions such as proper distancing and requiring masks for all attendees. Also, we are taking 5 minute breaks for every 30 minutes of practice.
Please check the document below for detailed guidelines.
Every member must complete the AUSKF-Covid-questionnaire document for each session.
You can find the upcoming dates by visiting the calendar . To find out more please contact
We look forward to seeing you, safely, and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Hello everyone,
After a long delay we will be conducting an outdoor practice tomorrow at 4:30PM at the Novi Meadows Elementary School on the Soccer Field.
Practice dates are for every Saturday in October EXCEPT 10/31 (10/03, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24)
The cost to attend is $5/person
4:30PM – Practice begins
5:10PM – 10 minute break
5:20PM – Practice resumes
6:00PM – Practice ends
We are looking forward to seeing you!
After a long period of remote video training we are preparing to conduct in-person training in the near future.
Because of the new risks associated with COVID-19 we have updated our Liability / Photo waiver. You will need to complete the waiver again for yourself and/or any participants under age 18.
To safely meet and train there are many new requirements which will also be outlined in the next few weeks. Please continue to check for updates.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
Announcement dated March 13th, 2020
Last night we cancelled keiko, considering that many local school systems decided to cancel classes. Here is what we have decided with Tagawa sensei’s approval:
1. We are cancelling keiko for the rest of March. The dojo will announce about April onward as soon as decisions are made.
2. Each DKD member needs to refrain from any Kendo keiko in groups and participation to seminars or tournaments.
3. We highly encourage each individual to wait to take any promotion test, until our normal keiko resumes.
It is a very unfortunate time, but we should not panic. We need to stay calm and help each other whenever any one of us needs help. Please do not hesitate to contact the dojo or any instructor, if you have any questions or concerns or need any support.
Detroit Kendo