Outdoor Practice Every Saturday Until 10/24/2020 @ 4:30PM

Hello everyone,

After a long delay we will be conducting an outdoor practice tomorrow at 4:30PM at the Novi Meadows Elementary School on the Soccer Field.

Practice dates are for every Saturday in October EXCEPT 10/31 (10/03, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24)

The cost to attend is $5/person


4:30PM – Practice begins

5:10PM – 10 minute break

5:20PM – Practice resumes

6:00PM – Practice ends


  1. Masks must be worn by all participants
  2. Complete the updated waiver here
  3. Print and sign the practice participation form here
  4. Wear exercise clothes (dogi / hakama not required)
  5. Bring your shinai and bokuto (if you have one)
  6. Do not bring bogu (men, kote, dou)

We are looking forward to seeing you!

COVID-19 and Continuing Practice with the Detroit Kendo Dojo

After a long period of remote video training we are preparing to conduct in-person training in the near future.

Because of the new risks associated with COVID-19 we have updated our Liability / Photo waiver. You will need to complete the waiver again for yourself and/or any participants under age 18.


  1. Complete the Liability / Photo waiver for yourself and/or any underage participants in your family here
  2. Before EVERY practice print and complete the AUSKF COVID-19 Questionnaire a physical copy is required each time

To safely meet and train there are many new requirements which will also be outlined in the next few weeks. Please continue to check https://detroitkendodojo.com for updates.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

Update regarding COVID19 (Coronavirus)

Announcement dated March 13th, 2020

Last night we cancelled keiko, considering that many local school systems decided to cancel classes. Here is what we have decided with Tagawa sensei’s approval:

1. We are cancelling keiko for the rest of March. The dojo will announce about April onward as soon as decisions are made.
2. Each DKD member needs to refrain from any Kendo keiko in groups and participation to seminars or tournaments.
3. We highly encourage each individual to wait to take any promotion test, until our normal keiko resumes.

It is a very unfortunate time, but we should not panic. We need to stay calm and help each other whenever any one of us needs help. Please do not hesitate to contact the dojo or any instructor, if you have any questions or concerns or need any support.


Detroit Kendo

General Information – 22nd Detroit Open Kendo Taikai

On February 15th and 16th, 2020, the Detroit Kendo Dojo will host the 22nd Annual Detroit Open Kendo Seminar and Tournament.

These events are our flagship endeavor and are open to all members under the International Kendo Federation and they have, since its inception, drawn thousands of kenshi from across the United States, Canada and Japan to southeastern Michigan.   We hope to use this event to advance our mission of creating learning opportunities for all generations in the art of kendo, as well as enhancing cross-cultural understanding and relationships.

Special Guest Sensei

The special guest for Tournament and Seminar Instructor is Takumi Chikamoto Sensei, Kendo Kyoshi 8 Dan from Aichi Prefecture Police Department.  He is the winner of the Emperor Cup in the 51st All Japan Kendo Championship in 2003.


Important Notice – Participant requirement to furnish own “Mejirushi” / “Tasuki”

Following practice of FIK and AUSKF, all participants need to bring their own (or their own dojo’s) “Mejirushi” (a pair of red and white strips used during matches, another name is “Tasuki”).  The host organization will not prepare nor put on “Mejirushi” for participants.

Not having Mejirushi at the time of a match will result in disqualification. We have notified Mazkiya USA and Maruyama, two scheduled on-site bogu venders, of the anticipated needs for Mejirushi, however please order well in advance, as needed.

  1. Schedule

Sat Feb 15th    

8:30 AM           Doors Open

9:30 AM          Seminar Begins

2:30 PM           Midwest Kendo Federation Promotion Tests Begin

Sun Feb 16th      

6:30 AM           Doors Open

7:30 AM           Opening Ceremony, Tournament Begins

  1. Venue is the same for all events

Seaholm High School

2436 West Lincoln, Birmingham, MI 48009


Parking entrance is on Cranbrook Rd, north of the school building.

  1. Seminar and Tournament Registration

Due Date: Saturday, January 18th, 2020


For individual divisions, registration is per individual, not per dojo.  Please refer to the appendix at the bottom of this page and register yourself.  The chart and entry rules in the appendix take precedence, however the on-line registration system may allow different entries.   For team registration, Detroit Kendo Dojo highly recommends appointment of team representative as soon as possible.   The representative needs to submit on-line team roster(s) before the registration due date, Sat January 18th.

  1. Midwest Federation Kendo Promotion Test

Tests are for Kendo 4-Dan rank and below.   For applications, please use the link below:


  1. Hotel

A special group rate is available at the Detroit Marriott Southfield, which is close to the event venue. The group rate is $104/night for a two-bed room and this rate includes a $32 value 2 complimentary breakfast passes per room per night stayed.  This is a significant discount to the other hotels in the area and we encourage you to take advantage of it.  A special arrangement was made with the hotel that breakfast will be served starting at 6 am on the tournament Sunday.

Click here to use the special registration link


  1. Those who can participate in multiple divisions (i.e. Senior + 5-Dan+) can choose to only participate in one division. Participating in multiple divisions is not mandatory.
  2. Qualifications for “Sr. Youth” division

①     “Mudan” status is required. A Youth with Dan status cannot participate Sr. Youth, and he or she must participate in one of the Adult Ranking divisions (1 and 2 Dan).

②     Female Youth players with Dan status can attend both the Women’s division and one of the Adult Ranking divisions (1 and 2 Dan).

③     The above requirement is not the same for Team divisions.  Youth with Dan rank can choose either Sr. Youth Team or Adult Team.

  1. Qualifications for “Women’s division”

Dan status is required.  Mudan is not allowed.

  1. Qualifications for “Senior” division

A)    Men – 50 years old or up

B)    Women – 45 years old or up for women

①     Senior females with Dan rank must participate in the Women’s division and they can choose to either participate in either the “Senior” division or one of the Adult Ranking divisions (1 Dan through 5 Dan+).  If they choose the Senior division, they cannot participate in any of the Adult Ranking divisions, and vice versa.

②     Senior females with Dan cannot participate in both the Senior and Dan divisions, opting out women.



Individual Registration – 2020 Detroit Open Taikai Registration Form – Individual Registration is now closed.

Team Registration – Dojo Representatives Only – 2020 Detroit Open Taikai Team Registration Form

2019 AUSKF Junior Open Nationals Results

Congratulations to the participants from the Detroit Kendo Dojo who represented the Midwest Kendo Federation (MWKF) in the AUSKF Junior Open Nationals that were held on 4/6/2019 in Cumming, Georgia. We are all very proud of your progress!

Detroit Kendo Dojo 2019 Junior Open Nationals Representatives

Tyler Barrone (16-18 years old division – 3rd place)
Shosuke Arai (12-13 years old division – Kantosho – Fighting Spirit Award)
Kiki Choi (Girls 13 under division – Kantosho – Fighting Spirit Award)
Nathen Choi
Ryuya Habu
Tomoya Habu
Keigo Ishida (12-13 years old division – 3rd place)
Eric Onuma
Daichi Sakuma (16-18 years old division – Kantosho – Fighting Spirit Award)
Collin Shinohara



Full tournament results can be found here -> https://auskf-jrnationals.com/results.html

March 23, 2019 Kentucky Kendo Tournament Results

Congratulations to the Detroit Kendo Dojo members that participated in the 2019 Kentucky Kendo Tournament! Also, a big thank you to all of the DKD parents that helped support the event. Tournament results are below.

Youth Team 1st Place
    • Aidan O’Neill
    • Eric Onuma
    • Taichi Matsuura (Koyo-kai)
Youth Team 3rd Place
    • Masato Dahl
    • Kent Kiyomi
    • Wataru Horiguchi
Youth Individual 3rd Place
    • Eric Onuma